Check Speed Blog

Enter maximum 10 websites which you will check the speed and size it. If your blog's size is bigger than 100 Kb (100<), you must repair your blog and compress it. Maybe, you can decrease your widget, for example clock, calendar, etc., and you can compress your size image :). Voila, happy diet blog day XD !

Your domain(s): Enter each address on a new line (Maximum 10)


I often use these links to check my blog. I hope it will help you :D
What do you think about my blog? I hope this blog does not make you are headache. Thank you for visiting here. Keep blogging and loving Indonesian products!


Blog ini tidak merepresentasikan instansi tempat dimana penulis mengabdi, karena mayoritas konten adalah hasil kolaborasi dengan manusia-manusia baik hati :). Penulis tidak bertanggungjawab jika terdapat tulisan mengatasnamakan penulis (alias copas) di luar blog ini dan ini.
Blogger Perempuan