Galeri Belajar Mosaic
I have long weekend and I do nothing. So, here I am, learning to improve my digital art skill. Previously, I have posted vector art and, yah, I am still amateur.
These are my mosaic galleries and hope it will be my time capsule. Hope you give me advises. I used photoshop cs3 portable. Literally, I want to upgrade my photoshop, but too lazy to download. Haha.
Still, with love💕...
Terimakasih atas kunjungan dan segala apresiasinya. Silakan tinggalkan pesan di kolom komentar jika memang ada yang perlu didiskusikan ^ ^
Jika memerlukan informasi urgent, boleh sapa saya di email karena saya cukup aktif pula di sana :).